Saturday, January 21, 2006

Chinese New Year Shopping!

Music: Paul McCartney - Too Much Rain (click to download)

Chinese New Year shopping has always been a new thing for me. Every year, preparations are always scarce as I'm usually occupied with work and I end up with the odd pair of jeans. This year though, everything is going to change for the better. I've already had my eye on these fine beauties for the past month or so and I figured of posting each and every item bought for the upcoming Chinese New Year by category.


Puma's shoe designer has probably migrated to Reebok late last year. You could almost tell by the colour shades the new roll-out of Puma shoes are adorned with. Reebok's latest line of 'RBK Classics' caught my attention two weeks ago while browsing around for a brand new pair of walking shoes. Adidas' designs are getting horrific with their new hip-hop designs and I'd never purchase a Nike (except for the time when I bought my football boots). Browsing through Puma boutiques have fruitful last year but their new threads don't seem to interest me nowadays.

Pro: I'm really loving this pair. I'm soooo into dull-coloured shoes!
Con: RBK...hmmm...not really first choice, but I've no regrets about it. If I had it my way, I'd get that Lacoste shoe in my wishlist.


I'm a sucker for Levi's Engineered Jeans. Period.

Ever since its inception about 5 years ago, I've fell in love with its uniqueness and it's ever loose fitting comfort.

Pro: What can I say? It's the best batch of Levi's there is! I'm awfully suprised that none of the KL boutiques I've been to carry this *yet*!
Con: The line rolled out for the ladies look pretty fugly. Avoid at all costs!


I haven't really figured out what sorta shirt/t-shirt to buy this Chinese New Year's. Will keep you guys posted if I get around to buying any.

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