Scouting around Penang.
Music: Levy - Rector Street (click to download)
It certainly doesn't take a genius to realise that Penang is now become an island no better than Langkawi. Shopping malls have become a surplus to the common islander's needs and entertainment has become a rare escape for most yuppies. Give or take the occasional myths of a sheer, laid-back Penang island, what else does a Penangite have to look forward to?
Missing out on a colleague's wedding dinner last Saturday night, I drove Michelle out last night in search for an inspiration to what is planned to be our indie film project this year. We really couldn't find the character in Penang anymore. Chulia Street, which one once known as a notorious red-light district, shades upon comparison after it's unnecessary make-over by the government. We headed back feeling rather disgruntled by the state of things.
I have a little project either this or next weekend to recapture some shots as I do not even have a cellphone right now. To my indie friends whom I haven't contacted in the past 2-3 weeks, I would like to apologise as I have lost all my contact numbers and I've basically been living in the dark, tech-wise.
Anyway, in the opening scene of our upcoming independent film project, 'Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo', we're planning to write a script surrounding the lives of four fictional characters with absolutely no conscious intention to draw a similarity between our group of friends and the characters being portrayed on film. But, this film being our labour of love, it will integrate some events that have shaped or changed the course of our lives and over exaggerate it as often as we can. I hope to get a portion of the script posted somewhere on this journal next month. Brian, if you're reading this, I hope you have the script partially done by now.