Soundmaker gig @ Church Street, Penang.
Brian, Michelle, Michael and I attended 'Soundmaker #9' on the 19th of November. Blistering guitar sets and some indie kids tweaking their laptops were the highlights of the evening. Cutting things short, here are some pictures taken when we weren't so busy guzzlin' our free beer handouts. ;)
Dian Bang.
Whitelight, close-up.
Something I took while takin' a piss...
The venue, formerly known as the 'Liverpool Pub'.
Color My Iris.
The return of DDA (Damn Dirty Apes) minus everyone but Pedram. Shocking!
DDA almost finished with their sonic confusion.
Hui Se Di Dai. Whatever that means.
Lead singer outshines the band, which isn't a surprise...the dude fuckin' rawks!
Look! Look! Shoegazing!
You can read my friend's tongue-in-cheek review of the gig here.