Sunday, September 25, 2005

When boredom sets into English football.

This recent suggestion by Arsene Wenger of Arsenal FC certainly sheds some light on how to 'force' teams into deploying a more offensive-styled football and encourage the already downcast atmosphere in most Premiership clubs in England.

Wenger also put forward his own suggestion to encourage attacking football by rewarding teams who refuse to settle for a 2-0 victory but instead push on for a bigger scoreline.

'In France, we had a system where you got a bonus point if you scored three goals in a game but it didn't work at all as, even if you lost and scored three goals, it was the same as a draw,' he revealed.

'But what could happen is that the difference between goals scored and goals conceded gives you more points - for example, if you won 6-3 or 7-2.

'If you won by three clear goals, you could get another point. That would encourage the team that was leading 2-0 or 3-0 to carry on going forward and the team that was behind not to concede any more.

'It's important that the team which takes the initiative wins. Your intention at the start has to be to try to win the game. You can still end up with a poor game, but a negative attitude is to say that getting a point would be fantastic.'

Wenger understands the fears of some observers that Chelsea's domination of the Premiership could result in a boredom factor setting in, although he insists the title race is far from over.

While I've never been any fan of Wenger's or Arsenal for that matter, this idea is certainly worth looking into (not that FIFA would ever bother really). Nevertheless, coming from a man whose team's discplinary record has been put into spotlight two seasons ago...hehe...well, you know what I'm getting into.

Nevertheless, thumbs up for the idea. A more fluid 'beautiful game' does not equal to violence, does it? Let's see how the FA reacts.

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