Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Next stop: Radiotherapy.

Music: Serge Gainsbourg - Bonnie & Clyde (Herbert's Fred & Ginger Mix) (click to download)

Tomorrow I begin my journey to the unknown: radiotherapy. The medical specialists will create a latex mask (beam direction mask) for me in the morning and I expect to be on the program as early as Monday the week after.

Again, was being chatty with the nurse and somehow sneaked my way through the extremely long waiting list thanks to my knowing of another old Free who is an intern doctor, Dr. Mohamed Amir Shah B. Abdul Aziz (a former Drum Major for the Penang Free School Band and a buddy of See Siang's, presumably). Dr. Amir clarified that it is indeed a rare bone cancer because of its location in my head. He added that there have been successful cases of treating this and there also have been other instances whereby the patient has to undergo chemotherapy if all else fails. I shudder to think of the latter.

The program outlined by the Penang General Hospital Oncology, Radiotherapy and Palliative Care Department is as follows: 6 week cycle. 10 minutes dosage of radiotherapy from Mondays to Fridays. My radiotherapy program will be partially subsidised by the government which is quite a relief because without it the cost could fetch up to MYR 4,000.

I should be done with the program by the second week of July 2006. I just pray that the radiotherapy session will prove to be enough to kill off the remaining cancer cells in my brain.

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